Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Grandma's Biscuits

1/4 cup of shortening
3/4 cup of milk
2 1/4 cups self rising flour - sifted

kneed in flour gradually with shortening and milk
in bowl fold over to make less sticky
elongate and choke off
then dab end with flour
roll tightly in palm and place on pre-greased pan and press out

10-12 minutes
450 F

Note:  these are approximations, as grandma used to keep a large bowl of the flour and when she wanted to make the biscuits (which was just almost every meal) she would round out a hole in the center of the flour with her hand, scoop the "right" amount of crisco based upon the number of biscuits she was planning to make with her hand, and then pour in the milk as she started to mix in the hole - she knew she had the right amount based on consistency.